The best plugins for Sublime Text 3

"Discover the best Sublime Text 3 plugins for improved productivity, such as SublimeGit for easy repository access & SublimeLinter for code linting."

The Best Plugins for Sublime Text 3

Sublime Text 3 is an incredibly powerful and versatile text editor, and its vast array of plugins can help make it even more powerful. Here are some of the best plugins for Sublime Text 3 to help you get the most out of your text editor.

Package Control

Package Control is an essential plugin for Sublime Text 3. It provides a simple interface for managing and installing plugins and other packages from within the editor. With a single command, you can search for, install, and upgrade any of the thousands of packages available. Package Control makes it easy to get the most out of your Sublime Text 3 experience.

Sublime Linter

Sublime Linter is an invaluable plugin for developers. It provides a comprehensive set of linting tools for a variety of languages, including JavaScript, Python, HTML, and more. Sublime Linter can help you find potential errors in your code before you even run it. It can also help you find and fix common mistakes, saving you time and frustration.


SublimeCodeIntel is a powerful code intelligence and autocompletion plugin for Sublime Text 3. It provides real-time code completion and auto-suggestions for a variety of languages, including JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. SublimeCodeIntel makes coding faster and more accurate, and it can help you find and fix errors quickly.


GitGutter is a great plugin for developers who use Git. It adds a ‘gutter’ to the side of the editor, which shows which lines of code have been added, modified, or deleted. This makes it easy to keep track of your changes and review them before committing them to your repository.


Emmet is an indispensable plugin for web developers. It provides a powerful set of tools for quickly creating and editing HTML and CSS. It has a simple syntax that makes it easy to create and modify code, and it can help you write code faster and more accurately.


SideBarEnhancements is a great plugin for Sublime Text 3. It adds a variety of useful features to the file browser sidebar, including the ability to quickly open folders, move and rename files, and more. SideBarEnhancements can help you work faster and more efficiently.


ColorPicker is a great plugin for web developers. It provides a simple and intuitive color picker that you can use to quickly select colors for your HTML and CSS. ColorPicker makes it easy to choose the perfect color for any element on your web page.


SublimeREPL is a powerful plugin for developers. It adds a REPL (read-evaluate-print loop) to Sublime Text 3, which allows you to quickly evaluate and test code snippets in a variety of languages, including JavaScript, Python, and Ruby. SublimeREPL can help you write and debug code faster and more accurately.


SublimeTextAutoPEP8 is a great plugin for Python developers. It provides a simple way to automatically format your code according to the PEP8 style guide. SublimeTextAutoPEP8 can help you write clean, consistent, and well-formatted code.


These are just a few of the best plugins for Sublime Text 3. With the right plugins, you can get the most out of your text editor and make your coding experience faster, easier, and more enjoyable. Check out these plugins and start making the most of Sublime Text 3.

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