How to see Laravel errors

Discover how to debug Laravel errors with an example to help you get started.

Viewing Errors in Laravel

When developing applications with Laravel, it is important to be able to quickly identify and fix errors. Fortunately, Laravel provides a number of ways to view errors. The simplest way to view errors is to enable the “debug” option in the “config/app.php” configuration file.

When debug is enabled, Laravel will display detailed error messages, including stack traces and other information, when an error occurs. The following code snippet shows how to enable the debug option:

 env('APP_DEBUG', true),
    // ...

If the debug option is enabled, you can view the detailed error page by accessing the URL of the page that caused the error. For example, if the error occurred when accessing the “/home” page, you can access the URL “/home” to view the error page.

In addition to the detailed error page, Laravel also provides a log file where errors are recorded. The log file is located in the “storage/logs/” directory, and the file is named “laravel.log”. You can open the file in any text editor to view the errors.

Finally, Laravel provides an “artisan” command that can be used to view all of the errors that have occurred. The “artisan” command is a command line interface that is included with Laravel. To view the errors, you can run the following command:

php artisan tail

This command will display a real-time view of the errors that have occurred. This is a useful command for quickly identifying and fixing errors.

In summary, Laravel provides a number of ways to view errors. You can enable the debug option to view the detailed error page, view the log file to view the errors that have been recorded, or run the “artisan” command to view a real-time view of the errors.

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