How to make Logout Laravel

"Learn how to create a secure logout for Laravel apps with a step-by-step example."

Logging Out in Laravel

Logging out of Laravel is a straightforward process. The most basic way of logging out is to use the Auth::logout() method. This method will revoke the user's authentication token, effectively logging them out. This can be used in a controller or route as follows:

public function logout()
    return redirect('/');

The above code will log out the user and then redirect them to the homepage. This is a simple and straightforward way of logging out a user.

Another way of logging out a user is to use the Auth::logout() method with the Auth::guard('web') method. This method takes the user's authentication token and revokes it, effectively logging them out. This can be used in a controller or route as follows:

public function logout()
    return redirect('/');

The above code will log out the user and then redirect them to the homepage. This is an effective way of logging out a user, as it ensures that the user's authentication token is revoked.

In addition to the above methods, it is also possible to log out a user by using the Auth::logout() method with the Auth::logoutOtherDevices() method. This method takes the user's authentication token and revokes it from all other devices, effectively logging them out. This can be used in a controller or route as follows:

public function logout()
    return redirect('/');

The above code will log out the user and then redirect them to the homepage. This is an effective way of logging out a user, as it ensures that the user's authentication token is revoked from all other devices.

Finally, it is also possible to log out a user by using the Auth::logout() method with the Auth::logoutAll() method. This method takes the user's authentication token and revokes it from all devices, effectively logging them out. This can be used in a controller or route as follows:

public function logout()
    return redirect('/');

The above code will log out the user and then redirect them to the homepage. This is an effective way of logging out a user, as it ensures that the user's authentication token is revoked from all devices.

Logging out a user in Laravel is a straightforward process. By using the Auth::logout() method with the appropriate guard, it is possible to securely log out a user. This can be done in a controller or route, as shown above, and ensures that the user's authentication token is revoked.

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